Univ Politecn Valencia, Dept Comunicaciones, Escuela Tecn Super Ingn Telecomunicac, Camino Vera S-N, Valencia 46022, Spain
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Deployment of 5G Experiments on Underserved Areas using the Open5GENESIS Suite20.452021
Highly-Efficient Fog-Based Deep Learning Aal Fall Detection System10.362020
Seaport Data Space For Improving Logistic Maritime Operations00.342020
A Novel Method of Spatiotemporal Dynamic Geo-Visualization of Criminal Data, Applied to Command and Control Centers for Public Safety00.342020
A Novel Low Processing Time System For Criminal Activities Detection Applied To Command And Control Citizen Security Centers00.342019
Fall detection system for elderly people using IoT and ensemble machine learning algorithm60.442019
Interoperability in the emergency management. A solution based on distributed databases and P2P networks.00.342018
Exploiting IoT Data and Smart City Services for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases Risk Factors Monitoring10.362018
Reduced Computational Cost Prototype For Street Theft Detection Based On Depth Decrement In Convolutional Neural Network. Application To Command And Control Information Systems (C2is) In The National Police Of Colombia00.342018
A Smart System for Sleep Monitoring by Integrating IoT With Big Data Analytics50.432018
A Multimodal Fingerprint-Based Indoor Positioning System for Airports.20.382018
Flow-Based Programming Interoperability Solution for IoT Platform Applications00.342018
OneM2M Based-Interworking Architecture for Heterogeneous Devices Interoperability in IoT00.342018
Fall detection system for elderly people using IoT and Big Data.20.372018
System for monitoring and supporting the treatment of sleep apnea using IoT and big data.30.362018
HYBINT: A Hybrid Intelligence System for Critical Infrastructures Protection.00.342018
Technologies of Internet of Things applied to an Earthquake Early Warning System.30.392017
Situation awareness in the large forest fires response. A solution based on wireless mesh networks00.342017
Enable IoT interoperability in ambient assisted living: Active and healthy aging scenarios20.422017
A Solution For Interoperability In Crisis Management00.342017
Design And Implementation Of A Gateway For Pervasive Smart Environments00.342016
Interoperable architecture for joint real/virtual training in emergency management using the MPEG-V standard00.342015
Access Control In A Port - A Georbac Approach00.342015
Live Fallas: A Future Internet smart city APP for large-scale events00.342015
I3WSN: Industrial Intelligent Wireless Sensor Networks for indoor environments30.452014
Integrated system for control and monitoring industrial wireless networks for labor risk prevention60.432014
SWE Simulation and Testing for the IoT70.572013
Virtual reality training environment for strategic and tactical emergency operations.00.342013
Wireless CDN video streaming architecture for IPTV50.482011
Tactical Use Of Wimax-Based Networks For Anti-Aircraft Artillery Units00.342011
Building Semantic Sensor Web: Knowledge and Interoperability.30.412010
Multimode WSN: Improving Robustness, Fault Tolerance and Performance of Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Network10.362010
Move for all (M4All): Alive J2ME content exchange facility for mobile environments00.342009
A negotiation framework for content distribution in mobile transient networks70.572009
Structuring connections between content delivery servers groups40.452008
A social framework for content distribution in mobile transient networks100.812008
CDN-Supported Collaborative Media Streaming Control271.542007
A video streaming application for urban traffic management120.662007
Simacop: Small Units Management C4isr System20.422007
A Flexible Video Streaming System for Urban Traffic Control30.412006
A Streaming Content Distribution Network For E-Learning Support20.382006
Grid Sensor/Actuator Network Architecture20.532006
Grid Sensor/Actuator Network Architecture20.532006
A Novel Multimedia System for Traffic Remote Controlling00.342005
Urban Traffic Control: A Streaming Multimedia Approach10.402005
Modeling content delivery networks and their performance100.612004
CCDN: campus content delivery network learning facility10.352003
JMFMoD: a new system for media on demand presentations30.882002
Policy-based quality of service mapping in distributed systems30.442002
A real-time e-learning system via satellite based on JMF and Windows Media10.362002
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