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Kelpie: an Explainability Framework for Embedding-based Link Prediction Models.00.342022
Explaining Link Prediction Systems based on Knowledge Graph Embeddings10.352022
Self-supervised learning for medieval handwriting identification: A case study from the Vatican Apostolic Library00.342022
CERTEM: Explaining and Debugging Black-box Entity Resolution Systems with CERTA.00.342022
Kelpie: an Explainability Framework for Embedding-based Link Prediction Models.00.342022
CERTEM: Explaining and Debugging Black-box Entity Resolution Systems with CERTA.00.342022
Effective Explanations for Entity Resolution Models00.342022
NOAH - Creating Data Integration Pipelines over Continuously Extracted Web Data.00.342021
In Codice Ratio: A crowd-enabled solution for low resource machine transcription of the Vatican Registers00.342021
NOAH: Creating Data Integration Pipelines over Continuously Extracted Web Data.00.342021
Knowledge Graph Embedding for Link Prediction: A Comparative Analysis50.462021
Crowdsourcing for Building Knowledge Graphs at Scale from the Vatican Archives.00.342020
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Challenges and Experiences from Data Integration to Knowledge Graphs co-located with 46th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, DI2KG@VLDB 2020, Tokyo, Japan, August 31, 2020.00.342020
In Codice Ratio - Machine Transcription of Medieval Manuscripts.00.342019
Interpreting deep learning models for entity resolution: an experience report using LIME10.382019
Hybrid Crowd-Machine Wrapper Inference00.342019
Multikernel Activation Functions - Formulation and a Case Study.00.342019
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Challenges and Experiences from Data Integration to Knowledge Graphs co-located with the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (KDD 2019), Anchorage, Alaska, August 5, 2019.00.342019
Ethics-aware Data Governance (Vision Paper).00.342018
Towards Knowledge Discovery from the Vatican Secret Archives. In Codice Ratio - Episode 1: Machine Transcription of the Manuscripts.20.392018
Towards Annotating Relational Data on the Web with Language Models.00.342018
Lessons Learned and Research Agenda for Big Data Integration of Product Specifications.00.342018
Big Data Linkage for Product Specification Pages.00.342018
Big Data Integration for Product Specifications.00.342018
In Codice Ratio: OCR of Handwritten Latin Documents using Deep Convolutional Networks.00.342017
In Codice Ratio: Scalable Transcription of Historical Handwritten Documents.00.342017
In Codice Ratio: Scalable Transcription of Vatican Registers.00.342017
Crowdsourcing for data management.20.362017
Accurate fact harvesting from natural language text in wikipedia with Lector.10.352016
The Startup Ecosystem: a Quick Tour.00.342015
Web Content Extraction - a Meta-Analysis of its Past and Thoughts on its Future30.372015
Crowdsourcing large scale wrapper inference90.432015
Knowledge Base Augmentation using Tabular Data.110.622014
Web-Scale Extension of RDF Knowledge Bases from Templated Websites30.382014
Extraction and integration of partially overlapping web sources190.692013
Extraction and Integration of Partially Overlapping Web Sources.00.342013
A framework for learning web wrappers from the crowd170.702013
ALFRED: crowd assisted data extraction30.422013
Wrapper Generation Supervised by a Noisy Crowd.60.422013
Web data reconciliation: models and experiences20.382012
Automatic evaluation of relation extraction systems on large-scale40.462012
Minimizing the Costs of the Training Data for Learning Web Wrappers.30.402012
Characterizing the uncertainty of web data: models and experiences10.352011
Wrapper Generation for Overlapping Web Sources00.342011
Automatically building probabilistic databases from the web10.362011
Contextual Data Extraction and Instance-Based Integration.00.342011
Redundancy-driven web data extraction and integration100.562010
Probabilistic Reconciliation of Records from Inaccurate Web Sources (Extended Abstract).00.342010
Exploiting information redundancy to wring out structured data from the web50.432010
Probabilistic models to reconcile complex data from inaccurate data sources281.712010
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