Beijing Inst Technol, Coll Comp Sci, Beijing 100081, Peoples R China
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Heterogeneous Knowledge Learning of Predictive Academic Intelligence in Transportation00.342022
EKGTF: A knowledge-enhanced model for optimizing social network-based meteorological briefings10.352021
Improving University Faculty Evaluations via multi-view Knowledge Graph10.352021
CNN with depthwise separable convolutions and combined kernels for rating prediction00.342021
Discovering Metamorphic Relations for Scientific Software From User Forums00.342021
Review Text Based Rating Prediction Approaches: Preference Knowledge Learning, Representation And Utilization20.352021
Hybrid microblog recommendation with heterogeneous features using deep neural network10.352021
Recommending scientific paper via heterogeneous knowledge embedding based attentive recurrent neural networks20.372021
Deep residual network for highly accelerated fMRI reconstruction using variable density spiral trajectory10.342020
A Session-based Job Recommendation System Combining Area Knowledge and Interest Graph Neural Networks (S).00.342020
Automatic generation of meteorological briefing by event knowledge guided summarization model30.352020
Wide-grained capsule network with sentence-level feature to detect meteorological event in social network50.372020
Learning Semantic Concepts and Temporal Alignment for Narrated Video Procedural Captioning00.342020
Feature requests-based recommendation of software refactorings.20.352020
Chinese Lexical Based Sentiment Analysis Framework in Meteorology.00.342019
Academic rising star prediction via scholar's evaluation model and machine learning techniques.30.372019
Multi-Scale Deformable Cnn For Answer Selection00.342019
Multi-task learning model based on recurrent convolutional neural networks for citation sentiment and purpose classification.50.392019
A survey on sentiment analysis of scientific citations80.442019
Lexical based automated teaching evaluation via students' short reviews.30.372019
A Deep Reinforced Training Method For Location-Based Image Captioning00.342018
Tensor factorization method based on review text semantic similarity for rating prediction.10.342018
An e-learning recommendation approach based on the self-organization of learning resource.140.672018
Automatic approval prediction for software enhancement requests.10.352018
Sensing Urban Transportation Events from Multi-Channel Social Signals with the Word2vec Fusion Model.40.362018
Citation Function Classification Based on Ontologies and Convolutional Neural Networks.00.342018
Concept coupling learning for improving concept lattice-based document retrieval.30.402018
Automatically Tracing Dependability Requirements Via Term-Based Relevance Feedback00.342018
A hybrid knowledge-based recommender system for e-learning based on ontology and sequential pattern mining.290.952017
Extractive Summarization via Overlap-Based Optimized Picking.00.342017
Unsupervised Automatic Text Style Transfer Using LSTM.00.342017
A Survey of Learner and Researcher Related Challenges in E-learning Recommender Systems.00.342017
Identifying Helpful Online Reviews with Word Embedding Features.20.372016
ASELM: Adaptive semi-supervised ELM with application in question subjectivity identification.30.372016
Deep Aging Face Verification With Large Gaps150.552016
Visual Cortex Inspired CNN Model for Feature Construction in Text Analysis.20.352016
Dynamic and Automatic Feedback-Based Threshold Adaptation for Code Smell Detection.60.392016
A learner oriented learning recommendation approach based on mixed concept mapping and immune algorithm.100.492016
A Clustering-Based Approach to Enriching Code Foraging Environment.60.422016
A hybrid approach of topic model and matrix factorization based on two-step recommendation framework80.442015
Analyzing Refactorings' Impact on Regression Test Cases00.342015
Analyzing Refactorings' Impact on Regression Test Cases00.342015
Adapting MultiBoost ensemble for class imbalanced learning00.342015
Functional connectivity of Chinese characters processing: A meta-analysis10.402015
Analysis of Architecturally Significant Requirements for Enterprise Systems260.872014
Authorship identification from unstructured texts.140.592014
An agent-based linked data integration system00.342014
Traceability-enabled refactoring for managing just-in-time requirements190.702014
Towards Efficient Distributed SPARQL Queries on Linked Data.10.362014
LAW: Link-AWare Source Selection for Virtually Integrating Linked Data.00.342014
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