Korea Adv Inst Sci & Technol, Dept Elect Engn & Comp Sci, Taejon 305701, South Korea
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Neuro-CIM: A 310.4 TOPS/W Neuromorphic Computing-in-Memory Processor with Low WL/BL activity and Digital-Analog Mixed-mode Neuron Firing00.342022
A Low-power and Real-time 3D Object Recognition Processor with Dense RGB-D Data Acquisition in Mobile Platforms00.342022
A DNN Training Processor for Robust Object Detection with Real-World Environmental Adaptation00.342022
An 0.92 mJ/frame High-quality FHD Super-resolution Mobile Accelerator SoC with Hybrid-precision and Energy-efficient Cache00.342022
A 49.5 mW Multi-Scale Linear Quantized Online Learning Processor for Real-Time Adaptive Object Detection00.342022
A Pipelined Point Cloud Based Neural Network Processor for 3-D Vision With Large-Scale Max Pooling Layer Prediction00.342022
DSPU: A 281.6mW Real-Time Deep Learning-Based Dense RGB-D Data Acquisition with Sensor Fusion and 3D Perception System-on-Chip00.342022
An Energy-Efficient GAN Accelerator With On-Chip Training for Domain-Specific Optimization10.352021
A 146.52 TOPS/W Deep-Neural-Network Learning Processor with Stochastic Coarse-Fine Pruning and Adaptive Input/Output/Weight Skipping20.522020
The Development of Silicon for AI: Different Design Approaches00.342020
An 802.15.6 HBC Standard Compatible Transceiver and 90 pJ/b Full-Duplex Transceiver for Body Channel Communication10.362019
A 1.32 Tops/W Energy Efficient Deep Neural Network Learning Processor With Direct Feedback Alignment Based Heterogeneous Core Architecture00.342019
A Full Hd 60 Fps Cnn Super Resolution Processor With Selective Caching Based Layer Fusion For Mobile Devices00.342019
A 0.8V 82.9µW In-Ear BCI Controller System with 8.8 PEF EEG Instrumentational Amplifier and Wireless BAN Transceiver00.342018
A Capsule Endoscope System for Wide Visualization Field and Location Tracking00.342018
Mobile/embedded DNN and AI SoCs00.342018
An energy-efficient deep learning processor with heterogeneous multi-core architecture for convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks00.342017
A 21mW low-power recurrent neural network accelerator with quantization tables for embedded deep learning applications00.342017
Low-Power Convolutional Neural Network Processor for a Face-Recognition System.30.422017
A 274µW clock synchronized wireless body area network IC with super-regenerative RSSI for biomedical ad-hoc network system.00.342017
An Adaptive Dc-Balanced And Multi-Mode Stimulator Ic With 1g Omega Output Impedance For Compact Electro-Acupuncture System00.342017
An ultra-low-power and mixed-mode event-driven face detection SoC for always-on mobile applications.00.342017
A 2.79-mW 0.5%-THD CMOS current driver IC for portable electrical impedance tomography system00.342017
A Real-Time And Energy-Efficient Embedded System For Intelligent Adas With Rnn-Based Deep Risk Prediction Using Stereo Camera00.342017
A 502-GOPS and 0.984-mW Dual-Mode Intelligent ADAS SoC With Real-Time Semiglobal Matching and Intention Prediction for Smart Automotive Black Box System.40.402017
Low-power real-time intelligent SoCs for smart machines00.342016
30-fps SNR equalized electrical impedance tomography IC with fast-settle filter and adaptive current control for lung monitoring00.342016
A 34pJ/level pixel depth-estimation processor with shifter-based pipelined architecture for mobile user interface00.342016
An EEG-NIRS ear-module SoC for wearable drowsiness monitoring system00.342016
An Energy-Efficient Embedded Deep Neural Network Processor for High Speed Visual Attention in Mobile Vision Recognition SoC.20.372016
14.1 A 126.1mW real-time natural UI/UX processor with embedded deep-learning core for low-power smart glasses.111.002016
A 48 μW, 8.88 × 10-3 W/W batteryless energy harvesting BCC identification system.00.342016
A multimodal drowsiness monitoring ear-module system with closed-loop real-time alarm.00.342016
A 0.5° Error 10 mW CMOS Image Sensor-Based Gaze Estimation Processor.20.462016
A 45 µW Injection-Locked FSK Wake-Up Receiver With Frequency-to-Envelope Conversion for Crystal-Less Wireless Body Area Network.00.342015
An impedance and multi-wavelength near-infrared spectroscopy IC for non-invasive blood glucose estimation30.482015
A 4.84mW 30fps dual frequency division multiplexing electrical impedance tomography SoC for lung ventilation monitoring system30.822015
A 27 mW Reconfigurable Marker-Less Logarithmic Camera Pose Estimation Engine for Mobile Augmented Reality Processor20.392015
Intelligent task scheduler with high throughput NoC for real-time mobile object recognition SoC.10.352015
A Vocabulary Forest Object Matching Processor With 2.07 M-Vector/s Throughput and 13.3 nJ/Vector Per-Vector Energy for Full-HD 60 fps Video Object Recognition10.372015
A Vocabulary Forest-based object matching processor with 2.07M-vec/s throughput and 13.3nJ/vector energy in full-HD resolution20.542014
Energy-efficient Mixed-mode support vector machine processor with analog Gaussian kernel00.342014
10.4 A 1.22TOPS and 1.52mW/MHz augmented reality multi-core processor with neural network NoC for HMD applications120.992014
A 1.5nJ/pixel super-resolution enhanced FAST corner detection processor for high accuracy AR00.342014
An 1.92mW Feature Reuse Engine based on inter-frame similarity for low-power object recognition in video frames10.402014
Intelligent Network-on-Chip With Online Reinforcement Learning for Portable HD Object Recognition Processor50.502014
A 32.8mW 60fps cortical vision processor for spatio-temporal action recognition00.342013
An 86 mW 98GOPS ANN-Searching Processor for Full-HD 30 fps Video Object Recognition With Zeroless Locality-Sensitive Hashing20.652013
Bio-feedback iontophoresis patch for controllable transdermal drug delivery10.442013
An 87mA·min iontophoresis controller IC with dual-mode impedance sensor for patch-type transdermal drug delivery system00.342013
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