Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, 250, Kuo Kuang Road, Taichung, Taiwan
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An Efficient Ensemble Sequence Classifier.00.342016
Ontology-based library recommender system using MapReduce100.802015
DPRP: a database of phenotype-specific regulatory programs derived from transcription factor binding data.00.342014
miRTarBase update 2014: an information resource for experimentally validated miRNA-target interactions.542.622014
Mining Sequential Pattern Changes.00.342014
A frequent itemset mining algorithm based on the Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion and transaction mapping70.432014
News Event Detection Using Random Walk with Restart.00.342014
Shielding wireless sensor network using Markovian intrusion detection system with attack pattern mining160.632013
An Efficient Attribute-Based Encryption and Access Control Scheme for Cloud Storage Environment.30.402013
Scaling Out Recommender System for Digital Libraries with MapReduce.10.352013
CIS-X: A compacted indexing scheme for efficient query evaluation of XML documents70.392013
EFilter: An Efficient Filter for Supporting Twig Query Patterns in XML Streams.10.342013
A cloud service for the evaluation of company's financial health using XBRL-based financial statements00.342013
A Sequence Classification Model Based on Pattern Coverage Rate.10.372013
A new approach for data clustering and visualization using self-organizing maps190.712012
Supporting Efficient XML Query Evaluation Using Double Indexes00.342012
A cloud computing implementation of XML indexing method using hadoop20.372012
An efficient authentication protocol for mobile communications120.592011
Efficient Identity-Based Key Management for Configurable Hierarchical Cloud Computing Environment40.472011
Reversible Data Hiding Based on Median Difference Histogram00.342011
A forward authentication key management scheme for heterogeneous sensor networks90.502011
An improved frequent pattern growth method for mining association rules180.732011
On the Security of Self-Certified Public Keys10.362011
An Indoor Location-Based Service Using Access Points As Signal Strength Data Collectors00.342010
An Efficient Indexing and Compressing Scheme for XML Query Processing30.402010
A library recommender system based on a personal ontology model and collaborative filtering technique for English collections80.452010
An indoor location-based service using access points as signal strength data collectors90.782010
A New Clustering Validity Index For Cluster Analysis Based On A Two-Level Som40.572009
Mining Frequent Itemsets by Transaction Decomposition with Itemset Clustering00.342009
Detecting rogue access points using client-side bottleneck bandwidth analysis70.682009
Reversible data hiding based on grayscale value histogram with optimal multiple pairs of crests and troughs00.342009
PORE: a personal ontology recommender system for digital libraries100.592009
An index selection method without repeated optimizer estimations40.512009
An Efficient Initialization Scheme For Som Algorithm Based On Reference Point And Filters40.542009
An Evolutionary Classifier Based on Adaptive Resonance Theory Network II and Genetic Algorithm10.482008
A new authentication protocol based on pointer forwarding for mobile communications90.652008
A traffic load-aware energy efficient protocol for wireless sensor networks10.362008
Enhancing the accuracy of WLAN-based location determination systems using predicted orientation information171.122008
Identity-based deniable authentication protocol from pairings20.402006
A password authentication scheme over insecure networks1185.442006
A personal ontology model for library recommendation system50.472006
WLAN location-aware application based on accumulated orientation strength algorithm10.372006
Security Enhancement on a New Authentication Scheme With Anonymity for Wireless Environments1278.082006
Two attacks on a user friendly remote authentication scheme with smart cards10.372005
A server assisted authentication protocol for detecting error vectors00.342004
Incremental protocol verification using deductive database systems640.601989