Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China
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Do We Need Anisotropic Graph Neural Networks?00.342022
Adaptable Butterfly Accelerator for Attention-based NNs via Hardware and Algorithm Co-design00.342022
FRuDA: Framework for Distributed Adversarial Domain Adaptation00.342022
Adaptable mobile vision systems through multi-exit neural networks00.342022
ZeroFL: Efficient On-Device Training for Federated Learning with Local Sparsity00.342022
Deep learning on microcontrollers: a study on deployment costs and challenges00.342022
Conditioning Sequence-to-sequence Networks with Learned Activations00.342022
NAS-Bench-ASR: Reproducible Neural Architecture Search for Speech Recognition00.342021
Smart at what cost?: characterising mobile deep neural networks in the wild00.342021
Zero-Cost Proxies for Lightweight NAS00.342021
Temporal Kernel Consistency for Blind Video Super-Resolution00.342021
It's always personal: Using Early Exits for Efficient On-Device CNN Personalisation20.402021
Secure aggregation for federated learning in flower00.342021
Degree-Quant: Quantization-Aware Training for Graph Neural Networks00.342021
Chronic Pain Protective Behavior Detection with Deep Learning00.342021
HAPI: Hardware-Aware Progressive Inference10.372020
BRP-NAS - Prediction-based NAS using GCNs.00.342020
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Under Label Space Mismatch for Speech Classification.00.342020
IMUTube: Automatic extraction of virtual on-body accelerometry from video for human activity recognition40.382020
SPINN: Synergistic Progressive Inference of Neural Networks over Device and Cloud70.462020
Are Accelerometers for Activity Recognition a Dead-end?00.342020
FusionRNN - Shared Neural Parameters for Multi-Channel Distant Speech Recognition.00.342020
Codesign-NAS - Automatic FPGA/CNN Codesign Using Neural Architecture Search.00.342020
Iterative Compression of End-to-End ASR Model using AutoML00.342020
Best Of Both Worlds: Automl Codesign Of A Cnn And Its Hardware Accelerator00.342020
The Final Frontier: Deep Learning in Space10.352020
A Hybrid Deep Learning Architecture for Privacy-Preserving Mobile Analytics80.432020
Quaternion Neural Networks for Multi-channel Distant Speech Recognition10.412020
Countering Acoustic Adversarial Attacks in Microphone-equipped Smart Home Devices00.342020
Poster: MobiSR - Efficient On-Device Super-Resolution through Heterogeneous Mobile Processors.00.342019
Mic2Mic: using cycle-consistent generative adversarial networks to overcome microphone variability in speech systems10.392019
Learning Temporal and Bodily Attention in Protective Movement Behavior Detection00.342019
EmBench: Quantifying Performance Variations of Deep Neural Networks across Modern Commodity Devices.80.612019
Recurrent network based automatic detection of chronic pain protective behavior using MoCap and sEMG data40.432019
An Empirical study of Binary Neural Networks' Optimisation20.362019
Learning Bodily and Temporal Attention in Protective Movement Behavior Detection.00.342019
ShrinkML: End-to-End ASR Model Compression Using Reinforcement Learning30.422019
Automatic Detection of Protective Behavior in Chronic Pain Physical Rehabilitation: A Recurrent Neural Network Approach.00.342019
Unsupervised domain adaptation for robust sensory systems00.342019
Pervasive Data Science and AI00.342019
Deterministic binary filters for keyword spotting applications.00.342018
Deterministic Binary Filters for Convolutional Neural Networks.00.342018
Monitoring Daily Activities of Multiple Sclerosis Patients with Connected Health Devices.00.342018
The Deep (Learning) Transformation of Mobile and Embedded Computing.50.462018
Robust Cross-View Gait Identification with Evidence: A Discriminant Gait GAN (DiGGAN) Approach on 10000 People.00.342018
Using deep data augmentation training to address software and hardware heterogeneities in wearable and smartphone sensing devices.40.382018
On Robustness of Cloud Speech APIs: An Early Characterization.10.342018
Squeezing Deep Learning into Mobile and Embedded Devices.230.832017
DeepEye: Resource Efficient Local Execution of Multiple Deep Vision Models using Wearable Commodity Hardware.170.692017
Scaling health analytics to millions without compromising privacy using deep distributed behavior models.00.342017
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