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An extensive study of C-SMOTE, a Continuous Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique for Evolving Data Streams00.342022
VFC-SMOTE: very fast continuous synthetic minority oversampling for evolving data streams00.342021
SMOTE-OB - Combining SMOTE and Online Bagging for Continuous Rebalancing of Evolving Data Streams.00.342021
IEBench: Benchmarking Streaming Learners on Imbalanced Evolving Data Streams00.342021
Supporting an Expert-centric Process of New Product Introduction With Statistical Machine Learning.00.342021
Chimera: A Bridge Between Big Data Analytics and Semantic Technologies00.342021
The future is big graphs: a community view on graph processing systems10.402021
Scaling the monitoring of approximate top-k queries in streaming windows00.342021
RSP4J: An API for RDF Stream Processing00.342021
The Kaiju project: enabling event-driven observability00.342020
Fast Incremental Naive Bayes With Kalman Filtering00.342020
Incremental Rebalancing Learning On Evolving Data Streams00.342020
C-SMOTE: Continuous Synthetic Minority Oversampling for Evolving Data Streams00.342020
Stream Reasoning - From Theory to Practice.00.342020
Continuous top-k approximated join of streaming and evolving distributed data00.342020
Service registration chatbot - collecting and comparing dialogues from AMT workers and service's users.00.342020
Bootstrapping the Publication of Linked Data Streams.00.342019
Models and Practices in Urban Data Science at Scale10.352019
An Outlook to Declarative Languages for Big Steaming Data00.342019
D ^2 2 IA: Stream Analytics on User-Defined Event Intervals.00.342019
Continuous Analytics of Web Streams00.342019
C-Sprite: Efficient Hierarchical Reasoning for Rapid RDF Stream Processing10.352019
Cost-Aware Streaming Data Analysis: Distributed vs Single-Thread.00.342018
Engineering of Web Stream Processing Applications.00.342018
VoCaLS: Vocabulary and Catalog of Linked Streams.00.342018
VoCaLS: Describing Streams on the Web.00.342018
Defining the execution semantics of stream processing engines.20.372017
Towards VoIS: A Vocabulary of Interlinked Streams.00.342017
MobileWave: Publishing RDF Streams From SmartPhones.00.342017
Yasper 1.0: Towards an RSP-QL Engine.00.342017
Extracting Emerging Knowledge from Social Media.40.492017
Towards a Benchmark for Expressive Stream Reasoning.00.342017
Using Rank Aggregation in Continuously Answering SPARQL Queries on Streaming and Quasi-static Linked Data.00.342017
Planning Ahead: Stream-Driven Linked-Data Access Under Update-Budget Constraints.10.362016
When A Filter Makes The Difference In Continuously Answering Sparql Queries On Streaming And Quasi-Static Linked Data20.362016
Towards Ontology-Based Event Processing.00.342016
A Query Model to Capture Event Pattern Matching in RDF Stream Processing Query Languages.30.382016
TripleWave: Spreading RDF Streams on the Web.70.652016
Heaven: A Framework for Systematic Comparative Research Approach for RSP Engines.40.552016
CitySensing: Fusing City Data for Visual Storytelling40.402015
Listening to and Visualising the Pulse of Our Cities Using Social Media and Call Data Records.20.392015
Where Are the RDF Streams?: On Deploying RDF Streams on the Web of Data with TripleWave.30.442015
Reality mining on micropost streams - Deductive and inductive reasoning for personalized and location-based recommendations.00.342014
Recommending Venues Using Continuous Predictive Social Media Analytics30.492014
A Case Study of Active, Continuous and Predictive Social Media Analytics for Smart City.50.482014
City sensing: visualising mobile and social data about a city scale event40.462014
Rsp-Ql Semantics: A Unifying Query Model To Explain Heterogeneity Of Rdf Stream Processing Systems230.932014
Twindex Fuorisalone: Social Listening of Milano during Fuorisalone 2013.00.342013
A Restful Interface for RDF Stream Processors.60.532013
Order matters! Harnessing a world of orderings for reasoning over massive data130.542013
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