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Viktor Leis Speaks Out on Concurrency and Parallelism on Multicore CPUs00.342021
We need to automate the declaration of conflicts of interest00.342020
DRS+: Load Shedding Meets Resource Auto-Scaling in Distributed Stream Processing00.342020
Michael Franklin Speaks Out on Data Science00.342019
Learning-Based Time Delay Attack Characterization for Cyber-Physical Systems10.352019
A Hybrid Architecture for Secure Management of Manufacturing Data in Industry 4.000.342019
Kenneth Ross Speaks Out on Making Contributions that Span Technology and Science.00.342018
Paris Koutris Speaks Out on a Theoretical Model for Query Processing.00.342018
Give Me One Portrait Image, I Will Tell You Your Emotion and Personality.10.352018
Elasticutor: Rapid Elasticity for Realtime Stateful Stream Processing.40.392017
Ron Fagin Speaks Out on His Trajectory as a Database Theoretician.00.342017
Additional Workshops Co-located with CIKM 2017.00.342017
H V Jagadish Speaks Out on PVLDB, CoRR and Data-driven Research.00.342016
Leave Your Phone at the Door: Side Channels that Reveal Factory Floor Secrets.60.472016
Stratos Idreos Speaks Out on Database Craking.00.342016
Deterministic identification of specific individuals from GWAS results.40.422015
Optimal Operator State Migration for Elastic Data Stream Processing.80.512015
Efficient Similarity Join Based on Earth Mover's Distance Using MapReduce20.372015
Kian-Lee Tan Speaks Out on How to Build a Strong DB Group without Pushing Students Hard00.342014
Which concepts are worth extracting?20.352014
Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Interactive Analytics System for Large Spatio-Temporal Data.00.342014
Insured access: an approach to ad-hoc information sharing for virtual organizations00.342013
Jeff Vitter speaks out on being a southerner, duties of a dean, and more00.342013
Andreas Reuter speaks out on transactions, reinventing things, creating a university, and more00.342013
Anand Rajaraman speaks out on startups and social data00.342013
Functional mechanism: regression analysis under differential privacy762.232012
Erich Neuhold speaks out: on industry research versus academic research, funding projects, and more10.342012
Daniel Abadi speaks out00.342012
Tamer Özsu speaks out: on journals, conferences, encyclopedias and technology00.342012
Low-rank mechanism: optimizing batch queries under differential privacy421.252012
Design Independent Query Interfaces10.352012
Demonstration of Damson: Differential Privacy for Analysis of Large Data10.352012
Confidentiality-preserving proof theories for distributed proof systems20.372011
Laura Haas speaks out on managing teams versus children, research versus product development, and much more00.342011
Alberto Laender speaks out on why Google bought his startup, how to evaluate graduate program quality, how to do high-impact research in a developing country, how hyperinflation nurtured Brazil's software industry, and more00.342011
Vetting browser extensions for security vulnerabilities with VEX371.232011
Dennis Shasha speaks out: on how puzzles helped his career, what drives him to write, how we can help biologists, the principles underlying database tuning, why he wears shorts all year, and more00.342011
Differentially private data cubes: optimizing noise sources and consistency742.042011
Using structural information in XML keyword search effectively130.582011
Efficient audit-based compliance for relational data retention90.582011
Records retention: addressing insider threats to data integrity00.342011
EXTRUCT: Using Deep Structural Information in XML Keyword Search.00.342010
Time for our field to grow up20.372010
On the consistency of distributed proofs with hidden subtrees10.352010
Towards a secure and efficient system for end-to-end provenance30.412010
10141 Abstracts Collection - Distributed Usage Control.00.342010
10141 Summary - Distributed Usage Control.00.342010
Trust negotiation: authorization for virtual organizations40.442009
An Architecture for Regulatory Compliant Database Management60.482009
TrustBuilder2: A Reconfigurable Framework for Trust Negotiation271.002009
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