Title | ||
An Experience Using JASMINUM - Formalization Assisting with the Design of User Interfaces |
Abstract | ||
Resumo Descrevemos neste artigo a nossa experiencia no uso de um fo rmalismo visual, chamado JASMINUM, quee usado na etapa de design da interface com o usuario de um editor de documentos estruturado chamado Waterloo Rita. JASMINUMcombina conceitos de Abstract Data Views com as notac ¸ ˜ oes de Objectcharts, St atecharts e redes de Petri. JASMINUMfoi motivado pela necessidade de uma notac ¸˜ ao formal que ex pressasse dire- tamente alguns aspectos do design de sistema interativos, especialmente a possibilidade de representac ¸˜ ao do design do sistema interativo atrave s da interface com o usuario. Nosso principal objetivo neste artigoe mostrar como o uso d e JASMINUM ajudou a apontar certos erros no design do sistema Waterloo Rita , mostrando com isto que JASMINUMpode ser uma notac ¸˜ aoutil para a re-engenharia de sistema s. Abstract. This paper describes experience in using a visual formalism, called JASMINUM, in the design of the user interface of a structured document editor called Waterloo Rita. JASMINUM combines concepts from Abstract Data Views, with notations from Objectcharts, Statecharts, and Petri-nets . JASMINUMwas motivated by the need for a formal notation to express directly some aspects of the design of interactive systems, especially the design of an interacti ve system through its user interface. In particular, we show in this paper how the use of JASMINUMhelped to find some design flaws in the existing Waterloo Rita system, demonstrating that JASMINUMmight be a useful notation for re-engineering systems. |
Year | DOI | Venue |
1994 | 10.1007/BFb0035812 | ICSE Workshop on SE-HCI |
Keywords | Field | DocType |
user interfaces,formalization assisting,user interface,petri net | Structured document,Notation,Systems engineering,Computer science,Human–computer interaction,Engineering design process,Formal notation,Formalism (philosophy),User interface design,User interface | Conference |
ISBN | Citations | PageRank |
3-540-59008-0 | 2 | 0.63 |
References | Authors | |
17 | 4 |
Name | Order | Citations | PageRank |
L. M. F. Carneiro-Coffin | 1 | 2 | 0.63 |
Donald D. Cowan | 2 | 581 | 90.75 |
Carlos José Pereira De Lucena | 3 | 1027 | 131.61 |
D. Smith | 4 | 5 | 6.33 |