University of Florida, Department of Mathematics, PO Box 118105, 32611-8105, Gainesville, FL, USA
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The Switch Point Algorithm00.342021
Convergence Rates For An Inexact Admm Applied To Separable Convex Optimization00.342020
Algorithm 1003: Mongoose, A Graph Coarsening And Partitioning Library00.342020
Bounds for integration matrices that arise in Gauss and Radau collocation00.342019
Inexact alternating direction methods of multipliers for separable convex optimization00.342019
Convergence rate for a Radau hp collocation method applied to constrained optimal control00.342019
Correction to: Convergence rate for a Radau hp collocation method applied to constrained optimal control00.342019
Modified Radau Collocation Method For Solving Optimal Control Problems With Nonsmooth Solutions Part I: Lavrentiev Phenomenon And The Search Space00.342018
Modified Radau Collocation Method For Solving Optimal Control Problems With Nonsmooth Solutions Part Ii: Costate Estimation And The Transformed Adjoint System00.342018
Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method for Optimal Control Using Decay Rates of Legendre Polynomial Coefficients.10.362018
A Pseudospectral Method For Optimal Control Based On Collocation At The Gauss Points00.342018
Convergence Rate for a Gauss Collocation Method Applied to Constrained Optimal Control.00.342018
Projection onto a Polyhedron that Exploits Sparsity.30.432016
An O(1/k) Convergence Rate for the Variable Stepsize Bregman Operator Splitting Algorithm.00.342016
Projection algorithms for nonconvex minimization with application to sparse principal component analysis.00.342016
Convergence Rate for a Gauss Collocation Method Applied to Unconstrained Optimal Control.40.482016
An Efficient Hybrid Algorithm for the Separable Convex Quadratic Knapsack Problem.30.412016
Adaptive mesh refinement method for optimal control using nonsmoothness detection and mesh size reduction90.752015
Continuous quadratic programming formulations of optimization problems on graphs.80.502015
A Multilevel Bilinear Programming Algorithm For the Vertex Separator Problem.40.412014
Error estimation in nonlinear optimization20.522014
An efficient gradient method using the Yuan steplength171.002014
An affine scaling method for optimization problems with polyhedral constraints10.352014
An hp mesh refinement method for optimal control using discontinuity detection and mesh size reduction50.692014
Optimality conditions for maximizing a function over a polyhedron40.422014
Projection algorithms for non-convex minimization, with application to sparse principal component analysis.10.362014
A Continuous Refinement Strategy for the Multilevel Computation of Vertex Separators.00.342013
Bregman operator splitting with variable stepsize for total variation image reconstruction70.522013
The Limited Memory Conjugate Gradient Method.260.832013
Fast Algorithms for Image Reconstruction with Application to Partially Parallel MR Imaging50.462012
Partially parallel MR image reconstruction using sensitivity encoding00.342012
Direct trajectory optimization and costate estimation of finite-horizon and infinite-horizon optimal control problems using a Radau pseudospectral method423.682011
Pseudospectral methods for solving infinite-horizon optimal control problems171.432011
An Affine-Scaling Interior-Point Method for Continuous Knapsack Constraints with Application to Support Vector Machines60.462011
Gradient-Based Methods for Sparse Recovery130.772011
A unified framework for the numerical solution of optimal control problems using pseudospectral methods573.772010
Dynamic Supernodes in Sparse Cholesky Update/Downdate and Triangular Solves282.122009
An exact algorithm for graph partitioning160.722009
An affine-scaling interior-point CBB method for box-constrained optimization201.032009
An Ellipsoidal Branch and Bound Algorithm for Global Optimization50.522009
The generalized triangular decomposition181.022008
A sparse proximal implementation of the LP dual active set algorithm60.982008
Dual multilevel optimization40.852008
Optimization of Generalized Mean-Square Error in Noisy Linear Estimation00.342008
COAP 2007 Best Paper Award00.342008
Self-adaptive inexact proximal point methods120.732008
Algorithm 887: CHOLMOD, Supernodal Sparse Cholesky Factorization and Update/Downdate20910.732008
Asymptotic Convergence Analysis of a New Class of Proximal Point Methods70.652007
Domain Decomposition for Electronic Structure Computations00.342007
A New Active Set Algorithm for Box Constrained Optimization742.892006
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