Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven, Belgium
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On Nested Justification Systems00.342022
Exploiting Game Theory for Analysing Justifications00.342020
An Interactive Consultant.00.342019
Explaining Actual Causation in Terms of Possible Causal Processes.00.342019
The informal semantics of Answer Set Programming: A Tarskian perspective.00.342019
Safe inductions and their applications in knowledge representation.00.342018
Transpiling Programmable Computable Functions to Answer Set Programs.00.342018
On Well-Founded Set-Inductions and Locally Monotone Operators.00.342016
Resilient Delegation Revocation with Precedence for Predecessors Is NP-Complete10.362016
Consistent Integration of Decision (DMN) and Process (BPMN) Models.100.662016
Combining DMN and the Knowledge Base Paradigm for Flexible Decision Enactment.20.402016
The KB Paradigm and Its Application to Interactive Configuration.00.342016
First Order Logic with Inductive Definitions for Model-Based Problem Solving.00.342016
Distributed Autoepistemic Logic and its Application to Access Control.10.362016
Relevance for SAT(ID).00.342016
Grounded Fixpoints.00.342015
Predicate logic as a modeling language: modeling and solving some machine learning and data mining problems with IDP3.120.532015
Visualising interactive inferences with IDPD310.382015
An Exercise In Declarative Modeling For Relational Query Mining40.402015
Partial Grounded Fixpoints.10.352015
Semantics of templates in a compositional framework for building logics30.432015
Modelling Delegation and Revocation Schemes in IDP.00.342014
The Well-Founded Semantics Is the Principle of Inductive Definition, Revisited.70.452014
Interactions between knowledge and time in a first-order logic for multi-agent systems: completeness results70.502014
Lazy Model Expansion: Interleaving Grounding with Search.100.622014
Simulating dynamic systems using Linear Time Calculus theories.10.372014
FO(C) and Related Modelling Paradigms.20.382014
Constraint Propagation for First-Order Logic and Inductive Definitions30.372013
The effects of buying a new car: an extension of the IDP Knowledge Base System.10.382013
Extending FO(ID) with Knowledge Producing Definitions: Preliminary Results00.342013
Approximation fixpoint theory and the semantics of logic and answers set programs40.412012
A general representation and approximate inference algorithm for sensing actions30.392012
LPC(ID): A Sequent Calculus Proof System for Propositional Logic Extended with Inductive Definitions00.342012
Lazy Model Expansion by Incremental Grounding.60.452012
A Tarskian Informal Semantics for Answer Set Programming.170.712012
Answer set programming's contributions to classical logic: an analysis of ASP methodology30.422011
Reiter's Default Logic Is a Logic of Autoepistemic Reasoning And a Good One, Too50.402011
An Approximative Inference Method for Solving THERE EXISTS FOR ALL SO Satisfiability Problems00.342010
Towards a logical reconstruction of a theory for locally closed databases160.752010
Using local alignments for relation recognition20.362010
Embracing events in causal modelling: interventions and counterfactuals in CP-ogic10.412010
Using Lightweight Inference to Solve Lightweight Problems00.342009
A Knowledge Base System Project for FO(.)10.372009
Cp-logic: A language of causal probabilistic events and its relation to logic programming552.122009
The Second Answer Set Programming Competition682.152009
A Deductive System for FO(ID) Based on Least Fixpoint Logic00.342009
Towards computing revised models for FO theories20.472009
A logic of nonmonotone inductive definitions351.282008
Complexity of First Order ID-Logic00.342008
SAT(ID): satisfiability of propositional logic extended with inductive definitions290.892008
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